We believe that dance theatre and performance can actively interrogate who we are and how we live. Vincent Dance Theatre provides a platform for people whose voices might not otherwise be heard and a space to promote equality of opportunity and social change.
On behalf of all at Vincent Dance Theatre and the arts sector more widely, please help by making a donation of any size, every contribution is appreciated and feeds into VDT’s crucial work.
Donors who make gifts of between £5 and £500 will become part of our donor network and we will keep you closely connected with our work.
VDT are specialists in helping individuals – particularly those whose voices might not otherwise be heard and whose imagination may remain untapped – to gain confidence through taking part in creative enquiry, to value and develop their curiosity and to generate original responses to themes and ideas. Through a range of activities VDT will sustain and grow this enabling and facilitating area of our work, offering more opportunities for people to tell their own stories, to learn through taking part and to become collaborators and leaders in personal creative acts.
Your support will :
– Enable us to purchase materials for workshops (seeds for planting, origami paper, charcoal, note books for participants, pens, sharpies, glue, scissors)
– Cover workshop facilitator fees
– Cover travel to workshops
– Ensure supervision is available for workshop facilitators
– Enable VDT to in help individuals – particularly those whose voices might not otherwise be heard and whose imagination may remain untapped – to gain confidence through taking part in creative enquiry, to value and develop their curiosity, enabling creative agency
With your help, by making a donation of any size, our small company can continue to produce & distribute compelling, socially-engaged dance theatre work on stage, on film & across online platforms.
Contact admin@vincentdt.com for more information.
Current Funders/Supporters
VDT’s work has been made possible by an award from Postcode Society Trust, a grant giving charity funded entirely by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery.
Vincent Dance Theatre wishes to thank all its current supporters including those who wish to remain anonymous.