Safeguarding Questions


Following Arts Council England’s Let’s Create 10-year strategy, creative practitioners and organisations are increasingly working with non-professionals, particularly vulnerable adults and young people to develop their ‘creative agency’. Have the facilitators, artists and organisations delivering this work developed their own creative practice to do this safely? 

Safeguarding Questions for Working in the Artsis an online resource that emerged from reflective discussions between two experienced, socially engaged companies, Vincent Dance Theatre andPlaying ON Theatre Company. The resource encourages artists, facilitators, gatekeepers, producers, programmers, creative leaders and arts organisations to develop their approach to safeguarding and wellbeing within the planning, creation and delivery stages of projects, productions and programmes. 

The Questions act as a series of prompts – for you to consider the range of issues at play and scrutinise options for supporting / safeguarding participants, the creative process and audience. We hope they will help you feel more able to navigate the complexities of arts practice with a wide and diverse range of communities.

Click on the images below to access the online resources.

In 2024/25, Vincent Dance Theatre is offering a CPD Training Day and peer to peer learning opportunity to explore the practical application of this resource, facilitated by Dr Charlotte Vincent, Artistic Director, Chief Executive and Safeguarding Lead at Vincent Dance Theatre. 

Using the resource as a framework for discussion, alongside case studies that demonstrate the issues, this CPD opportunity consists of three facilitated sessions that consider safeguarding from three different perspectives: artist, participant and audience. There will be time for discussion and knowledge exchange throughout the day. 

This CPD Training Day encourages participants to develop a protective mindset across their practice or organisation and to develop clear ground rules of engagement with the groups they work with. The training is informed by VDT’s rigorous Safeguarding Policy, Practice and Protocols. It is not Level 1, 2 or 3 Safeguarding Training.

To find out more about the Training Day, please email