Safeguarding in the Arts
VDT is a sector leader for researching and placing safeguarding at the heart of its creative practice. Whilst Vincent’s production work takes creative risks, our studio practice does not. VDT’s approach to facilitation is safe, person centered, consent driven, reflective and collaborative, with company members highly experienced in embedding a protective mindset in everything we do.
Vincent Dance Theatre presents a CPD Training Day and peer to peer learning opportunity to explore the practical application of their online Safeguarding resource designed specifically for people working in the arts.
The Training Day will encourage participants to interrogate the practical considerations involved in Safeguarding at all stages of the creative process, from planning projects to facilitating workshops, creating or producing and presenting the work in venues.
Using the resource as a framework for discussion, alongside case studies from Vincent’s practice, the Training Day will consist of three facilitated sessions that interrogate the complexity of working with and safeguarding non-professionals in ‘community’, education or professional contexts and consider safeguarding from the artist’s, participants’ and audience’s perspectives. There will be space for knowledge exchange, sharing of experiences and resources.
‘This safeguarding resource is made up of questions which encouraged me to think creatively about how I can apply the measures to my work. This flexible model allows for change as we continue to learn about how best to protect the people we work with.’ Feedback from artist/practitioner
Performing arts and dance practitioners, artistic directors, arts facilitators, creative leaders, dance teachers, studio owners, academics, choreographers, project leaders, general managers and executive directors of arts organisations. The Training Day aims to encourage participants to:
– develop a protective mindset across their practice / across their organisation
– further understand, discuss and engage with the practicalities of placing safeguarding, a protective mindset, emotional well being and trauma informed thinking at the core of creative practice.
– filter movement based / performance through the trauma-informed lens of safety, trust, choice (consent), collaboration, empowerment and cultural considerations.
– develop clear Ground Rules for creative practice and production
This practical CPD opportunity is led by an experienced practitioner / academic, informed by VDT’s rigorous Safeguarding Policy and Protocols, it is not Level 1, 2 or 3 Safeguarding Training.
‘A collaborative, sharing, open, invigorating [event]. Blue sky thinking meets practical framework. This Workshop identified the need for a protective mindset, the importance of reflective practice and ‘after care.’ Previous Participant
Q: Will this training be suitable if I’ve done safeguarding training before?
A: Yes! This programme offers a unique focus on developing a artform-specific and peer-led topics for creative organisations, rather than traditional Level 1, 2, or 3 training.
Q: Is this training accredited?
A: While not formally accredited, this programme is highly relevant to those developing safeguarding practices in the creative sector and provides valuable insights and practical resources.
Q: Will there be any online resources or recordings for those who miss a session?
A: The programme is currently designed for in-person learning to foster active participation. There are no plans for recordings, so full attendance is encouraged.
Q: What should I bring to the training?
A: Please bring a notebook, any existing safeguarding policies for reference, and any specific questions or challenges you’d like to discuss.
Q: How did the training come about?
A: This work has emerged from reflective discussions between two experienced, socially engaged companies, Vincent Dance Theatre and Playing ON Theatre Company, who spotted workforce development needs after ‘Let’s Create’ was published by Arts Council England.
Q: What is the maximum capacity for this workshop?
A: This workshop is aimed at a maximum of 24 participants
Safeguarding CPD Training Day Fee
Fees include pre-planning and delivery. Full session plans are available on request. Travel and accommodation to be negotiated on top of agreed fee.
– Half day workshop (3hrs): £250 plus VAT
– Full day workshop (up to 6hrs): £450 plus VAT
To book VDT’s Safeguarding Training Day, please contact our General Manager on holly@vincentdt.com or call 01273 911616.