Home Truths

Home, Family and Belonging


HOME TRUTHS was a series of workshops for community groups facilitated by VDT practitioners and using drawing, text, spoken word, poetry, movement, photography, short form audio and film content to gather stories and share thoughts feelings and ideas about HOME, FAMILY and BELONGING.

Workshops for young people explored what it was like to live in Local Authority care, in a foster placement or children’s home, or become a care leaver (age 16-25). By exploring growing up in care, becoming fostered or adopted, VDT’s HOME TRUTHS programme aimed to raise awareness of some of the issues and challenges facing children who can’t live with their birth families. By focussing on Looked After Children, this social engagement programme aimed to encourage young people to reflect on their own place within family and society, building compassion towards ‘difference’ and develop a wider understanding of what home, family and belonging looks like in our contemporary world.

To find out more contact sian@vincentdt.com