Choreographic Labs, Workshops and Residencies
Vincent Dance Theatre offers Choreographic Lab, Workshop and Residency opportunities designed for recent graduates, emerging choreographers and established performance makers.
Professional Development Workshop Offer:
Vincent Dance Theatre can design and offer 2 – 5 hour workshops for BA students, MA students, emerging or established artists. Sessions focus on partnering skills and structured improvisation, followed by a series of choreographic tasks to find meaning in movement. Whole day workshops dive deeper into VDT’s practice exploring writing and the translation of words and feelings into gesture and simple movement phrases. Facilitators offer supportive critical feedback, encouraging artists to return to the work using new skills and understanding to further develop what they have started to explore in the workshop. Short film clips of VDT’s work may be shown to stimulate debate and kickstart creative processes.
Workshop fees: 1.5 – 3 hours: £250 +VAT, 4 – 5 hours: £450 +VAT.
If you are a university, arts organisation, dance artist or company interested in booking a VDT Professional Development workshop, please contact VDT’s General Manager, kim@vincentdt.com.
Current VDT Professional Development opportunities:
There are no current labs, masterclasses or workshops scheduled at Vincent Dance Theatre. To be kept up to date with any future professional development opportunities, sign up to our newsletter here.