Press reviews banner image credit Bosie VincentPress reviews banner image credit Bosie Vincent

Falling from the High Rise of Love, Jacksons Lane, London

By Gareth Jones

The Stage, 28 October 1999

Against a brutalist backdrop of a billboard bra advert, a young woman, wary and wired, tries to hold a towel on while attempting some vigorous dance moves.

A sad, lonely man tells of the brief fame that came as the result of his growing a single breast, of the personalities his pet eggs have and of his life as a bird-boy. Utilising the full potential of the space and unafraid to make conceptual leaps, Vincent Dance Theatre’s work draws from the deep well of urban despair to reveal escape strategies.

It is a genuine hybrid that mixes muscled movement with brief communions in a series of sketches, their edges frayed by the detritus of contemporary gender relations.

The five impressive performers display a startling physicality, with one memorable early sequence lurching from drunken trio to painfully comic seduction duet. But it is the inclusion of the nerdish narrator mentioned above who morphs into a character of great poignancy, that is the stroke of genius in this compelling and unpredictable piece.

Dance as dysfunction, a site of conflict, becomes dance as genuine affirmation, the response of most use.

This show matters and emotionally and pushes dance forward as it does so.