Fjord Review, 7 December 2017
Gradually, each member of this company reveals the impact of these stereotypes on their emotions, their sexuality or their interaction with others... Such moments are the essence of this work.
SHUT DOWN: Charlotte Vincent on BBC Woman’s Hour
BBC, 27 November 2017
Charlotte Vincent was a guest on BBC Woman's Hour Monday 27 November 2017 discussing VDT and SHUT DOWN, which opened at The Place 28 November 2017
SHUT DOWN Live: Mad About The Boys
The Observer, 3 December 2017
Shut Down has been painstakingly constructed through observation, improvisation and research. The piece isn’t an anti-male rant, but a witty and humane examination of conflicting forces. Vincent identifies, with forensic precision, the different ways in which men react to changing times.
SHUT DOWN Live: TheatreFullStop
TheatreFullStop, 30 November 2017
Shut Down takes us on a raw and emotional rollercoaster exploring the state of things as a man in 2017
SHUT DOWN Live: DanceTabs
DanceTabs, 30 November 2017
Vincent has assembled a courageous cast of adult and young male performers who are not afraid to act out some of the serious dilemmas of being a man.
SHUT DOWN Live: Bachtracks
Bachtracks, 30 November 2017
Vincent makes her audience confront issues that are often uncomfortable but her treatise on contemporary masculinity, with all its memorable confusions and contradictions, is a strong and challenging work.
Virgin Territory Live: Intoxication of Unbridled Youth
ThéâToile, 3 July 2017
Dans ce monde où tout va trop vite, les interprètes se heurtent à la vie et s’épuisent, accablés par les nouvelles technologies qui rehaussent ce phénomène. Les danseurs apparaissent, disparaissent, sont sous nos yeux comme des marchandises répondant à l’offre et à la demande. | In this world where everything is going too fast, the performers run up against life and are exhausted, overwhelmed by the new technologies... The dancers appear, disappear, are before our eyes as commodities responding to supply and demand.
Virgin Territory Live:, 23 May 2017
"Sur scène, métaphores visuelles et physiques se succèdent. | On stage, visual and physical metaphors follow one another."
Virgin Territory Live: Where are the f*****% limits?, 29 May 2017
"La chorégraphe s’appuie sur des stéréotypes pour défoncer le tabou. On ne sait jamais vraiment quand et si on a le droit de rire. | The choreographer relies on stereotypes to break the taboo. You never really know when and if you have the right to laugh."
Virgin Territory Live: Telerama Sortir
Telerama Sortir, 24 May 2017
Inconnue en France mais plus pour longtemps! | Unknown in France but not for long!