VDT’s work is available for all students and lecturers (and the general public) to access on University of Warwick Community Values website.
Using clips from Virgin Territory & Shut Down, alongside practical tasks, VDT’s resource offers ways for students and staff to encourage facilitated conversations around issues of gendered / sexualised violence and consent in university classrooms.
VDT’s acclaimed Virgin Territory and Shut Down Film Installations, with accompanying workshops are now available to programme in college and university contexts. These sister/brother installations provoke meaningful discussions around gender equality, sexism, misogyny, toxic masculinity, identity and sexual harassment and can be programmed to link with Freshers Week (September 2024) or Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Week (5th February – 11th February 2024).
To book a FILM INSTALLATION within your college or university, please contact our Participation and Digital Development Director: sian@vincentdt.com